Job Information
Philips Logistics category intern Singapore, Singapore
You are responsible for
ManagesmallscaleprojectsintheimplementationofglobalstrategyofSupplierBaseRationalization. Support ontheanalysisorcoordinationforlargescaleprojects
Understandsavingmechanismofeveryopportunitiesimplemented. Onmonthlybasis,provideaccuratereportsonactualsavingsin astructured,efficientandtimelyway
Handlethenegotiationandcontractamendmenttriggeredbyregularcontractrenewal,scopecreep,policychanges, andetc...
Coordinatewithinternalstakeholdersandsupplierstomaintainup-to-datestatusfortheactionsagreedduringAnnual ReviewMeetings
You are a part of
Youwillbepartofaleanandnimbleprocurementteamconsistsofexperiencedlogisticsand Supply Chainprofessionals.Youwillbebasedin Singaporecollaboratingwithbothdomesticsandoverseasteammembers.Youwillhavetheopportunitytoworkwithcross-functionalbusinessteamsatvariouslevelsoftheorganizationforprojectson regional/globalscale.
To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience
ProficientinusingExcel & Word &Powerpoint
Fluentin Mandarin and English
Priorprocurementorlogisticsrelatedinternshipexperienceisanadvantage, but not aprerequisite
Problemsolvingskillsiscriticalinthisrole. A strongcandidateshallhavetheabilitytounderstandissuesquickly,comeupwithsolutionslogicallyandcommunicateconcisely
Available to fully commit to June-December 2025
How we work together
We believe that we are better together than apart. For our office-based teams, this means working in-person at least 3 days per week.
Onsite roles require full-time presence in the company’s facilities.
Field roles are most effectively done outside of the company’s main facilities, generally at the customers’ or suppliers’ locations.
This will be an in-office role
About Philips
We are a health technology company. We built our entire company around the belief that every human matters, and we won't stop until everybody everywhere has access to the quality healthcare that we all deserve. Do the work of your life to help the lives of others.
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If you’re interested in this role and have many, but not all, of the experiences needed, we encourage you to apply. You may still be the right candidate for this or other opportunities at Philips. Learn more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion here.
- Philips Jobs